CentOS7 防火墙启动失败 Failed to start firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon.
新买的阿里云服务器,防火墙启动失败,系统是 CentOS7,启动防火墙的时候启动失败
用命令 systemctl status firewalld 查看状态时显示下面信息
● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: timeout) since 六 2020-06-20 11:28:47 CST; 11s ago
Docs: man:firewalld(1)
Process: 15632 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 15632 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
6月 20 11:27:16 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz systemd[1]: Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
6月 20 11:27:17 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz firewalld[15632]: WARNING: AllowZoneDrifting is enabled. This is considered an insecure configuration option. It will b...g it now.
6月 20 11:28:46 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz systemd[1]: firewalld.service start operation timed out. Terminating.
6月 20 11:28:47 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz systemd[1]: Failed to start firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon.**
6月 20 11:28:47 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz systemd[1]: Unit firewalld.service entered failed state.**
6月 20 11:28:47 izwz98ohfh4pkwbu0bn16gz systemd[1]: firewalld.service failed.**
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
在网上找了很多原因,大多数都是说 Python 版本的问题,但是我的服务器是新开的,还是默认的 Python2 版本,后面证实确实不是版本问题
如果安装了 Python3,可能是版本问题,可以参考这里 链接
systemctl stop firewalld
pkill -f firewalld
systemctl start firewalld